Tuesday, January 22, 2019

100 Days

100 days … 2400 hours .. 144,000 minutes. It doesn't really seem all that long, but it will begin the rest of my life. The last week of December I found myself scrolling through Facebook when I came upon an article from Utah Valley Hospital. The hospital is giving away 2 airline tickets while bringing attention to the newly built Pedersen Tower. I read the article and was impressed by the changes the hospital made to patient rooms and overall care. At the end of the article was a link to click on to see what else was going on in hospital news. I clicked the link and saw another link about a 100 day heart health challenge. I clicked that link and was hooked.

The hospital was looking for 10 Utah County women over the age of 30 to apply for the challenge. I thought what the heck … I'm going to fill out the form. I filled it out the form, picked Tracy as my partner (we both like to win) and didn't think anything more of it. I honestly thought I wouldn't get picked because I know there are people who are worse off than myself. When the phone call came asking me to participate, I was shocked and excited. I'm thankful for this opportunity to change and become healthy.

I am overweight. I have been for a long time. I love good food, yummy desserts, and Diet Coke. I like to eat in front of my TV and on the go. My guilty pleasure is McDonald's French fries. I know these things are bad for me but I like them and wasn't really worried about changing my habits. For years, I have been getting my annual physical and my doctor tries to encourage me to change my habits but never comes right out and says it. It's probably typical of many people. I don't know too many people that would start a conversation with, "hey, you are looking a little more chubby than last year, have you thought about changing your habits?" I know I would never say this to someone. I think this is why weight loss is a lonely journey.

My intentions with this blog is to be frank about heart health. I knew before applying for this challenge that I am at risk for heart disease. Heart disease runs on both sides of my family and my habits don't help. Here are some honest facts about me. I have high cholesterol (thanks dad) that I have to take medication for. I have taken some form of statin for years and I continued to eat my juicy hamburgers and greasy French fries. I have high blood pressure (thanks mom) that I have been on medication for this past year. My blood pressure used to be low until last year. I thought I was having a heart attack. Thankfully, it was just a panic attack. Unfortunately, I still need the medication to keep it under control. I don't have diabetes (dad's side) yet, but will if I continue the habits I currently have. I am overweight and have a low activity level. All of these habits contribute to poor heart health.

I am ready for change. I am sure that it why I was chosen to participate. I need accountability and people to cheer for me. That is why I started this blog. I plan on posting my numbers, before and after photos, healthy recipes, and information that is given to me. I think the more people that can benefit, the better. I have been given a great opportunity and would love to share the knowledge. The next three months won't be easy. It will be worth it though. I hope you will decide to take this journey with me and change your life over the next 144,000 minutes … 2400 hours … 100 days.


  1. I'm so excited for you! I saw this too, and applied, but was not selected. Now, even though I'll be a couple of weeks behind, I'm going to try and watch your blog! Might even see about joining you for some evening workouts, if the offer still stands!

    1. Offer stands. I’m totally willing to share the knowledge I am being given. I’m glad you are starting. I’m feeling more energetic every day. Eating and exercising are getting easier too.
